
case study

Moorways Abnormal Costs – Sunderland City Council

Dome prepared a costed abnormals review for Sunderland City Council which assessed the proposals suggested by the potential developer.



The land owned by Sunderland City Council is located adjacent to Moorway, with its other two borders being Washington Highway (A182) and Havannah Road. The site is presently undeveloped and primarily covered in vegetation, featuring mature trees primarily to the south and more sporadic trees in the northern section. The site exhibits a sloping terrain in both the east-west and north-south directions. The site is situated in flood zone 1 and has a localised risk of surface water flooding.

The suggested plan encompasses the development of a three-story extra care housing facility to the south of the site, along with the construction of independent bungalows in the northern part of the site. Both areas are to be extensively landscaped and receive all the necessary building services.

services &

value added

Dome provided the Council with an independent report on the level of abnormal costs the site presents to developers. In parallel, and as a consequence, this led us to comment on the developer’s abnormal cost submission. We provided detailed cost advice to both parties on each element of abnormal costs presented by the developer’s design team.  We also worked with an independent engineer to provide costed proposals based on alternative designs and our opinion of market conditions.

On the back of our report, the Council secured a favourable cost reduction in the abnormals section of the development appraisal and ultimately received an improved land value.



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